The 1.5m BoomVane™ is a device to deploy larger floating oil containment boom. These containment boom deployment and retrieval systems are lighter than “trawl doors”. BoomVanes feature greater surface area and generates higher bollard pull at lower speeds. (Which is needed for towing oil booms.) This simple yet powerful tool enables rapid boom deployment without the use of secondary vessels helping to offset carbon emissions. Please fill out our BoomVane Questionnaire and tell us about your project.

It is constructed as a cascade of vertical wings mounted in a rectangular frame. Powered by the current, the BoomVane, held by a single mooring line, swings away from the vessel with the oil boom in tow. This powerful tool enables rapid boom deployment without the use of secondary tow boats.

BoomVane Size Comparison Chart

BoomVanes operate in water speeds ranging from 1 to 5 knots. As all BoomVane models are self-balancing, no adjustments or trimming is required. The vessel’s progress through the water powers the BoomVane. The BoomVane can also be partnered with a boat to operate a single vessel sweep system without the need for an outrigger arm.

Oil boom sweep configurations with BoomVane

Powered by the water flowing past as the vessel advances, the BoomVane, held by a single tow line, swings out and away from the vessel with the oil boom in tow. The BoomVane is completely stable and self-trimming in all sweep speeds, and insensitive to wave action.

Elastec holds multiple international patents for the original BoomVane.

Contact us to learn more.



The Elastec BoomVane is stable in variable currents due to the rudder being spaced distantly from the vanes. The rudder ensures angle of attack is maintained, developing a constant tow. 10 plus vanes provide largest wetted surface area for overall size. Smaller units work in rivers due to adjustable rubber facilitating reversing of direction and feature the lowest possible draft to facilitate nearshore and river applications. The BoomVane disassembles for transport and lays flat for shipping. It has a proven track record with over 500 units sold and has been proven in multiple oil spills. Five sizes for are available for multiple environments from shallow rivers to deep offshore applications.

BoomVane size comparison chart

BoomVane™ size comparison chart

1.5m BoomVane™ Towing Configurations

BoomCane sweep configurations

A – Double “U” with two BoomVanes and two Elastec SeaSkaters.
B – “U” with one BoomVane and one SeaSkater.
C – Open apex concentrating oil with two BoomVanes, collected with skimmer vessel.
D – Wider sweep with two BoomVanes and skimmer vessel.
E – Two BoomVanes in advancing mode, collected with Elastec X150, R3S, or Elastec NeatSweep System.

BoomVane Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest in the Elastec BoomVane. To help us provide the appropriate model of BoomVane, please answer these questions.

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